Shop front in the summer

Monday, 28 February 2011

What happened to my holiday?

A week off is never enough time to get everything done, and relax at the same time, David said in a previous post "where has the week gone" well the same thing applies when you are on holiday as I am sure you will all agree, it was nice to be away from work but I never truly get away unless I go abroad or somewhere where there is no Phone service or Internet; I spent most of last week doing jobs around home and spent a couple of days in mid Wales, God I know how to live the 'high life'

As you can imagine I have been busy catching up all day today, don't get me wrong David has done an excellent job of getting everything sorted and I take my hat off to him for getting things like the new brochure proofed and to the printers, the Internet updated, the blog up to date and keeping all the balls in the air. Well done David.

Not much to report about today, Princess was docked and pressure washed off, Fred will give it a coat of blacking tomorrow, After that was done Ralph carried on with a few snagging items on Ember, just when you think everything is sorted you notice something else that has been missed, IT WILL BE DONE BY FRIDAY as its going out on its first cruise then. Mick has been fitting a 240V battery charger to one of the boats and stripping some external fittings off Sophie, Sophie is a 57 footer that has just come in to have a full repaint, I will be posting some pictures as it is progressing, I would have taken some today but Lee has been making a mess all day with his sander so I gave it a miss.

That's it for today, so until tomorrow


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