Shop front in the summer

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Where has the week gone?

I had a fantastic night out in Birmingham last night with some friends. We met in Gas Street Basin (they were aboard boats and unfortunately I was just visiting by motor vehicle) and had a couple of drinks in the Prince of Wales PH on Cambridge Street, which is very close to Cambrian Basin. I've got fond memories of being in this pub back in 2001/2 when we used to attend the boat gathering in Birmingham. The lease is currently for sale, but the existing occupants are determined that it will not close. It's well worth a visit if your visiting Brum - if you like "proper pubs". We then decided to hit Broad Street to find somewhere to eat, we only got as far as Jimmy Spices World Buffet which is at the site of the now disused Regency Wharf between Broad Street and Gas Street Basin. I have to say that the food was fantastic and comes highly recommended. I had a drive down Broad Street before heading home (about midnight), it was heaving with people - I thought we were in a recession? Not on Broad Street, by all accounts! City life is a bit different to Norbury, but I know my preference. I love going to Birmingham by boat, I find the BCN so interesting. The architecture of the buildings is amazing, the construction of the elevated sections of the motorways is mind blowing, and the infrastructure of the canal network is just out of this world. I must admit that although I enjoy visiting the BCN I also like to turn back onto the Shroppie at Cut End to head home to the peace and tranquillity at Norbury!

Well, not only do I not know where today has gone, but where has the week gone?? It seems to have flown by. Monday again tomorrow and Simon will be back from his holiday already. Two thirds of the list of "jobs to be done" that he left me have been completed.

I've nearly finished our 2011 hire brochure, so I should be able to get that off to the printers once it has been proof read tomorrow and the page layouts have been sorted. The new boat manuals are virtually complete and now just need assembling into their files. There is only Princess left to dock and black tomorrow and then we will be ready for the "season" :-). I can't wait until we get into full swing. There's nothing better to have all the boats out and the basin empty!

Mick has been working on Sphynx most of the day. We need to replace one of the radiators so I must remember to order that in the morning. Ralph has been putting the final touches to Ember, she looks a treat and is off out on hire this coming weekend, after a final walkthrough she will be ready.

Jay and Carolyn were very busy in the tea room this morning, cooking breakfasts and serving bacon butties. Customers seem to come in waves, a slack period and then they all walk in together. Several times today there has not been one seat available inside and walkers along with their dogs have dodged the showers and enjoyed afternoon tea and cake on the wharf.

It's gone cool again here tonight, so a quiet night in with my feet up infront of the fire is in order.

Speak to you at the weekend.



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