Shop front in the summer

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Well the weather has been somewhat changeable today. When I came to work this morning the sky was blue and the sun was shining. An hour later the wind had got up and some dark clouds came over and we had a blizzard. Within minutes we had a dusting of snow over everything. By lunchtime the sun had come out again and the snow began to melt. As I write its blowing a gale again and raining cats and dogs and is bitterly cold - wonderful British weather...

Today seems to have flown by. I've spent most of the day outside rather than stuck in the office - it makes a nice change that does. Moving boats around with Fred, docking and generally getting everything in order! I do enjoy working with Fred, he does some odd things and he really makes me laugh.

Simon has been working on Python doing the winter engine service. He has had to replace the exhaust system as when he took the lagging off there was hardly anything left of the original silences and pipework.

Mick has nearly finished the modifications and shower installation to Moore2life. Joyce has been lending a hand today, doing a bit of cleaning and helping with the tearoom. Ange has been catching up on paperwork and manning the office and shop.

Thats it from me today.

Best regards,


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