Shop front in the summer

Saturday 24 September 2011

Busy busy Saturday

What a lovely start to a Saturday morning, the sun was shining when I awoke and when I arrived at Norbury it was well any truly a stunning morning, A little cold but then it is autumn, the day however became overcast and dull in the afternoon which was a shame for the new holiday makers when they arrived.

It been a very busy day today which is a Stark contrast to the rest of the week! We had three day boats out first thing this morning and what a lovely day they have had, we had four hire boats back in without any issues and couple of shared owned boats, Graham, Fred and Bernard turned the boats around and they have all got off this afternoon without any issues, I hope the weather stays nice this week so that they all have a lovely time, Graham went on to do some wiring and repairs on a private boat while Me and Bernard showed the people out on the hire boats, Freddie skulked off down the dock once he had finished pumping the hire boats out to go and finish off a blacking job and once the day boats had come back the lads dropped on to them and they are all ready for tomorrow.

That's it form me for today, I hope you all have a pleasant evening.

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