Shop front in the summer

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

What a wet day

It makes a pleasant change to have some rain rather than snow, i hope the snow and ice stays away, most of the ice has gone now,just some rather large ice bergs floating around in the canal but at least it seems passable at long last, we still had to break the ice this morning down to the dock to facilitate a docking, thank the lord, we managed to dock a boat! There is still some ice in the dock but at least it is workable again!

Fred pressure washed the boat in the dock, Bernard set to replacing its anodes and sorting out its worn out rudder, Steve is back off his holiday and his first job today was replacing the broken soil pipe it the cottage, lovely job! that's all done now, new pipe and two tons of concrete later! Mick has nearly finished the wiring in Ember and Lee is just putting the finishing touches on it, it will come out the dock on Sunday, hopefully David will post some pictures of it, it does look smart!

We even had two boats on the wharf today for pump outs etc, i got really excited, customers, i haven't seen many of them in the last six weeks, almost forgot what they looked like.

My dinner has just arrived so until tomorrow.


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